Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Goodness of God

Yesterday I was so low. We finally got an appointment with Vanderbilt, but it was scheduled during my mission trip to Africa. I did ask her to put us on the cancellation list, but the lady told me that people don't really cancel at that office! The next available appointment was in August and after that October.

I searched God for a reason He would tell me to go on this trip, but schedule Garrett's appointment at the same time. Obviously, I need to be at this appointment, but felt that God had told me to go to Africa.

"Why, God? Am I not supposed to go? Did I sign up for the wrong reasons?"

All along though, I still felt God telling me to just be still and trust in Him. Easier said than done, right?

So, I began praying that someone would cancel so I could be with Garrett and Randy at the appointment before I went on my trip. Friends and family were praying with us about this as well. I cried to God that He was really gonna have to do something big here....my faith was on rocky ground already. For days I felt that my prayers were bouncing off the ceiling, going unheard by God.

So, as any pushy mama would, I called Vandy again this morning and spoke with the office manager. She told me that there were no other appointments until September now and that there was nothing she could do. I could only whisper to her, "He can't wait that long."

I was put on hold while she emailed the neurologist's assistant about our case. She got back with me and said that his assistant would contact me. She would be the only one who could possibly double-book the doctor.

I immediately got on the phone with some of my Prayer Warriors and within 10 minutes, had a call back from the assistant! She informed me that Garrett had an appointment scheduled for May 7 at 3:20!!

When I got off the phone with her, Garrett was standing there and I said to him, "Garrett, Jesus has answered our prayer!" He said, "Was that Him on the phone?" I laughed but said, "It may have been Jesus on the phone!"

I had no idea that double-booking was even an option! God is so good! He made a way through this wilderness--He made His own way! No one had to cancel, as my limited mind could see this as the only option!

Psalm 34:18 "The LORD is close to the brokenhearted. And saves those who are crushed in spirit."


PattyDawn said...

Praise the Lord!! Amber, that is awesome!!!! What will they do at this appointment?

Still praying for all of you!!

Big Nanny said...

This made my day. God is good and yes, He is close to the brokenhearted.

Erin said...

How awesome that God confirmed what you felt Him telling you!
Yes, go to Africa...I have a plan. Yes, wait on me with the appointment...I have a plan.
He is so good, and His ways are higher than our own!

Shawn said...

Sweet Garrett, he'll be trying to call Vandy to talk to Jesus all the time now! I love how God uses that boy to give you laughter in the midst of extreme pain.


Anonymous said...

Hi Amber, this is Jennifer (Wright) Kennerk and I just want you to know that I am praying for you and your family. I think about you all everyday! I check your blog daily for updates since I don't have a facebook account. I am so glad that God answered your prayer in a way you couldn't foresee and got Garrett an early appointment. Keep us updated!

Shelley said...

So awesome Amber! Praise Him....

MAMA said...