Monday, February 28, 2011


I'm not sure when this started.

I certainly do not promote it.

We don't talk about other races in terms of color or any other differences.


But somehow Garrett has picked up on some differences and has shared his take on the matter.

G: When I see people with brown faces, I call them Pete.

Me: Pete? What is Pete?

G: You know, like Stinky Pete from Toy Story?

Me: What? We don't call people Pete! I'm not sure what it means, but I don't think its good.

G: I'm still gonna call them Pete.

So, now every time we see someone with a brown face, Garrett says, "There's Pete!"

I don't know if its a bad thing or a negative viewpoint. I don't even know what it means!

Any suggestions on handling racial differences?


Alli said...

I don't think it is really a negative viewpoint--those are usually picked up from someone, and you and Randy don't feel that way. Children love to label: "my toy", "your coat", "you have yellow hair", "I have brown eyes." When I was little I said some people were brown and I was yellow :) Talk about how God made us all different. Height, colors (skin, eyes, hair), quiet or loud... talking is better than not! After all, no two p[eople are alike in every way!

Haley said...

For a while, Anna Claire called them "chocolate" and the other day she told her teacher that her daddy was "African American." We put together that she actually meant "Native American....He isn't really native american either, just has a small percentage. :) Their little brains can't always put it all together!