Monday, May 4, 2009

Roller Coaster Weekend

Friday, I experienced a huge loss.

A dear friend is on the brink of eternity.

My Nikon D40 got wet.

And while I've been wanting to upgrade, I did not wish for her death.

She is currently sitting in a Ziploc bag with some sort of drying agent. Last night, I turned her on, and had a glimmer of hope before she quit again.

We will continue the vigil for her full recovery (unless I can talk Randy into a D90--then we'll put her out of her misery!)

Onto more news...

With all the rain, we had a flooded basement (about a foot of water, according to Randy) complete with all Randy's power tools and weed eater under water. Apparently the water was millimeters away from the hot water heater's pilot light and certain death.

What is miraculous is that although our homeowner's insurance would not cover ANY of it, all power tools in question started right up after drying out!

Still more...

Saturday evening, after our 5 week long ordeal with sick Charlotte, her fever came back with a vengence. So, we ended up spending 5 hours at the Vandy ER with 104.1 fever.

New diagnosis: Double ear infection

On a good note, we had a nice morning Saturday at the park, Randy got to play golf with his new clubs, Garrett got to spend the night with Nana and Poppy, and Charlotte is on the mend.

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