Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Valentine Surprise

My Valentine surprise is coming a little late. It will be here tomorrow morning! I've waited almost a week for its arrival!

I'll give you a hint:

  • Its shiny
  • Its black
  • Its larger than I am
  • Everyone in the house will use it
  • When you open the door, the light comes on
  • It will hold most of my favorite things
  • It will make my life a whole lot easier

Give up? Its not a new minivan!

Its a beautiful fridge!

Ours went out last week and is now stinking up my house! We have all the food we could salvage in coolers outside, so I'm sick of digging through ice every time the kids want a sip of milk!

I know what you're thinking: "That Randy Sapp is one romantic guy!"

It almost beats the new furnace I got for Christmas!

I hope my birthday turns out a little less costly!

In all honesty, Randy did well this year. He and the kids made me "We love you, Mommy" necklaces and bracelets! So sweet!!


Erin said...

My favorite hint is that it holds most of your favorite things! Tomorrow will be an exciting day indeed!

Heather said...

Ooooh, what a fun gift! I love me a new major appliance!! That picture almost made me want to clean mine out...almost.

MAMA said...