Friday, February 11, 2011

Snowy Days

Its no secret: I HATE the snow! So, a few nights ago when it started snowing I knew something had to be done before the kiddos started asking to play out in it!
We made "snow men" indoors!
A few marshmellow, cloves, and toothpicks later:

Unfortunately, some snowmen lost their lives in the process!

Then, Randy caught on to my scheme and made me feel bad about trying to get out of playing outside in the freezing cold! So, we all played outside the next day! So much for staying warm!

Check out this beauty!


They got a new sled for Christmas, and this was the first chance they got to test it out!

I've brainwashed the kids! Once we got outside, Garrett said, "Are we going to get hot chocolate?" Why yes, of course!

That's the best part!


Anonymous said...

It's perfectly fine to build snowmen inside. That's my kind of snowman. You are more like your mommy than you want to admit. HEHEHE! I don't think that Charlotte and Garrett can take a bad picture. They should be models:)

mama said...

my grandbabies are so pefect