Thursday, November 19, 2009

There is nothing worse than a southern crossing guard.

I had a run-in with one during the after-school hour yesterday.

You know how you're supposed to stop when they put their hand up?

Well, what are you supposed to do when they give you a good ole southern wave?

(No, I did not take this picture! I googled it!)

I was so confused! I stopped, then he gave me the sign to go, but then waved, as all good ole boys do!

I stopped, I went, I stopped, I went...

Finally, I just went. Not sure if it was my turn or not.

Why do we wave at everybody in the south?


Jessica said...

Ha! That's hilarious...the crossing guard at Heritage is a grumpasaurus. There's no southern wave going on there for sure!!

the Provident Woman said...

That's funny!