Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ho! Ho! No!

We went to see Santa last night, as we do every year. We talked about it all day, and kids were so excited! We saw him come out of his "dressing room" and head towards his chair and the excitement was palpable. Charlotte was chanting, "Ho Ho Ho" and Garrett was timidly peeking around the corner at him.

Now, if you know my children at all, you know that their personalities are polar opposites. Charlotte is a "take-life-by-the-horns" kind of girl, while Garrett prefers to watch from behind the fence. So, imagine my surprise when I ask Charlotte, "Are you ready to sit on Santa's lap?" She replies, "NO!" And proceeds to shout, "Hode jew, hode jew." (which being translated is: "Hold you!")

If you had asked me beforehand which of my children would melt down at the sight of Santa, I would have automatically said Garrett. But instead, he was such a big boy, telling Santa that he wanted a train (which is good, because "Santa" is getting him a train table).

We couldn't convince Charlotte to sit on his lap, so Mommy had to get into the picture! Believe it or not, this was the best shot!


Anonymous said...

charlotte is hanging on for her life.but but thats alright.i love the picture .

mama said...

charlotte is hanging on for her life.but but thats alright.i love the picture .

Big Nanny said...

I've got one with me in the picture too:) I may have to start posting some of our old santa pics soon. Someday you'll look back on it and think...I looked so young.