Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Easter Hams

Randy said it was time for me to post something happy on the blog, so here goes! I'm a little behind on Easter, so here are the highlights.

There was a little egg coloring going on at Nana and Poppy's house.

There was some finding of Easter eggs.

There was a lot of cuteness on Easter Sunday with new clothes all around!


Erin said...

Good to see you all smiling.

Alli said...

I'm with Erin--these kinds of posts make me happy =) You always have the best pics!

PattyDawn said...

Amber, you have a beautiful family!! I, too, love seeing your pics and reading your posts!

Try to stay focused on the positive. One my favorite ladies at church always says when times get tough or when you feel overwhelmed - " just do the next thing" repeat as necessary.

You will get through this - remember, His strength is perfect!